Mohnmarzipan + Sauerkrautsaft

When I lived Germany about ten years ago, Mohnmarzipan (poppyseed marzipan) was one of my favorite yogurt flavors.  Searching for it in recent visits over the years has been futile.  But alas!  Happy to report that I found a jar at Te Gut.  Yogurt in Germany comes in jars.  Compared with American yoplait, it's more dense, and less sweet.  I love the texture of the poppyseeds in yogurt.  Yum.

The percentage you see next to the yogurt - 3.8% always represents the amount of fat in the product.

I also found Sauerkrauftsaft.  Yep.  It translates to sauerkraut juice.  Not sure if it would be sour, refreshing, or vomit-inducing.  Will lay low until I get some proper recommendations/reviews from the locals.

Okay, a quick google search and I found that this drink is high in:
  • Milchsäure (lactic acid - but why would you drink lactic acid?)
  • Vitamin A,B,C,K
  • Mineralstoffen (minerals)


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