Starbucks: Seattle Latte

It's amazing how large and global Starbucks has become.  Although I must admit that it does make me feel at home to see it abroad... even in this mutated form.  In Germany, to-go cups are still a relatively new concept.  Perhaps even trendy... (probably shouldn't dare to make such bold statements).  In a local grocery store, I found a Starbucks branded drink, Seattle Latte in a psuedo-to-go cup with a straw to boot.  I suppose this almost serves as evidence for my claim that to-go cups are still a new concept...

For only €1.69 ($2), you can get a processed and preserved drink with a straw.  Or, you could get a real espresso or macchiato for the same price at a local cafe. And I must say that Germans make damn good coffee!


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